tak perlu surat dan takperlu coin..
Langsung saja
1. Siapkan cheat engine... ( Cari di google banyak)
2. Buka E&A . kemudian buka CE ( Jangan buka celana bahaya om)
3. ganti value scan menjadi Text
4. Scan ( xk01 )
5. Pindahkan addres yang keluar di kolom paling kiri ke kolom paling bawah ( cara memindahkannya sama dengan di Hack Unit Empires and Allies )
6. ganti valuenya menjadi ( xk0100000 ) (ganti value sama seperti ganti value di Hack Unit Empires and Allies
7. klik New Scan masukan kode ( x01 )
8. Pindahkan lagi ke kolom bawah
9. Block addres yang baru di pindahkan untuk mengganti valuenya (tanpa mengganti value yang sebelumnya) menjadi ( x10 ).
10. Happy Expansion grattiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss ( jika coin kalian abis realod aja )
Download Cheat engine
tinggalkan coment jika tidak mengerti atau PM ke FB Saya (Di Add Juga ya)
No need to liberty bonds, and no need to coin ..
1. Prepare a cheat engine ... (Search on google a lot)
2. Go to E & A. then open the CE (Do not open your pants, danger)
3. change the value scanned into Text
4. Scan (xk01)
5. Move the addresses that came out in the leftmost column to the bottom of the column (move the same way as in Hack Unit Empires and Allies)
6. valuenya change into (xk0100000) (change the value the same as changing the value in the Hack Unit Empires and Allies
7. click New Scan input the code (x01)
8. Move again to the bottom of the column
9. The new block addresses in the move to replace valuenya (without replacing the previous value) into (x10).
10. Happy Expansion freeeeeee (if you run out realod your coin game)
leave a coment if you do not understand, or PM to the My FB
Don't forget add me!!!
Download Cheat engine
1. Step
2. Step
4. Step
5. Xlik on on area expansion u want...
Download Cheat engine
thanks a lot
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